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When I joined this woman-run team for a lifestyle and wellness website, the first order of business was redesigning the logo. I incorporated the dialogue box they had previously used to give a nod to their old logo but redesigned it into something bolder, more vibrant and easily recognizable. The logo is designed so that "from Town" could easily be dropped for simplicity depending on the application.

Colorado Arthritis Center 

For this rheumatology group practice based in the Denver area, I created a logo that inspired hope and healing and celebrated the beauty of the region where their offices are located.

Caribbean Travel & Life Magazine

The publisher's goal at this travel publication was not only to give the entire magazine a facelift, but to appeal to a more upscale newsstand and advertising audience. We started with the cover and logo and then delved inside. I designed the logo to be memorable and easily recognizable so it would stand out from the competition on the newsstand.


Susan Long Law offices

This block design for a law office incorporates the client's initials and its simple shape amkes it easy to use in several applications.

Weekend Matinee Logo.jpg

Avalon Theatre 

A fun, whimsical logo for Avalon Treatre for their Family Matinee Series, in Washington DC.

Farrow & Wren Creative Nesting

The client, an Ohio-based nterior consultant, was looking for a more creative term to describe what she does. We wanted something that reflected her emphasis on comfort and simplicity in the home. We came up with "creative nesting" which led to a logo that subtly nodded to a nesting bird.


Underbuilt is an LA-based company that sells residential property reports that show how much can be built on a parcel of land. 


Logo concept for a company that manufactures coloful yoga bands to secure yoga mats.

Annie Molloy Irish Restaurant

This Irish restaurant in located in upstate New York was named after the owner's mother, Annie. Using an old photo of the owner's mother, I transformed Annie's hair into the shape of Ireland, a subtle nod to the Irish fare that the restaurant serves.

Cupcake Wars

Fun typographically-driven logo for a children's party themed after the popular Food Network show, "Cupcake Wars." The logo was used on invitations, place cards and aprons.

Renu Vitale Executive Coaching

The owner of this tri-state are executive coaching company was looking for a simple, yet elegant, logo to rebrand her company.

Silverlinings Fertility Clinic

Concept for a fertility clinic that provides egg freezing and embryo banking to its clients.

Weyn Soccer Group

The owner of Weyn Soccer Group, club soccer team, was looking for a logo that reflected is American and Danish heritage.

Sweetface Clothing Company

Logo design for Fashion Show premiering the Jennifer Lopez Collection which included contemporary sportswear, handbags, jewelry, and shoes.

Cincinnati Paint the Town Event

"Paint the Town" Campaign for a "Give Back Cincinnati" event where residents volunteer to clean up and revitalize the downtown area. The top of the swash of paint features the Cincinnati skyline. I added in the descriptive colors so tee-shirts and swag would feature one side with the swash, and the other with the color labels.

Friends of Ridge

Logo design for a parent-led non-profit organization at a NJ school that raises funds for enrichment programs for children.

Brian Leahy, Pianist

I love creating logos based on someone's initial that also incorporate a visual--in this case, fingers on a keyboard.

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