Title: Art Director
I was responsible for concept through design and production and oversaw the art depratment while working on this shelter publication.
The first order of business when I arrived was a total redesign from cover and logo to the inside pages. Our goal at Home Magazine was to provide our readers with vibrant, approachable inspiration for their homes. I wanted the pages to feel like eye candy. I made an effort to find ways to make information easily accessible and fun to read. Besides designing the pages, I directed photoshoots for our feature homes and front of book pages, When directing shoots on feature homes, I tried to highlight what made the home special and make the viewer feel like they were actually in the space.
What is a shelter magazine? A periodical publication that has an editorial focus on interior design, architecture, home furnishings, and gardening.
Front of Book Sections
"Shop Talk" was a reoccurring front of book department featuring the newest home furnishings, products and accessories. I loved pouring through websites and catalogs choosing the hottest, new finds for our readers. I collaborated with my editors to select stylists and photographers for our shoots and was on site to direct them.
Our front of book departments had two word titles, like "Shop Talk" so for these pages, I asked the editors to write two word titles that were a play on words, like "Strip Tease," left.
Below, is another reoccurring front of book section, HomeTech featuring the latest must-have gadgets for your home.